Sunday, January 31, 2016

Brothers and Sisters...

We started taking the volunteers to an English LDS sacrament meeting a couple weeks ago. I went the first week so I knew where the chapel was located. I went the next week after that so our volunteers would not get lost. I wasn't really expecting to go every week because well, I don't really want to but somehow I got wrapped into speaking in sacrament the following week. I wasn't all that comfortable about it, more so because I don't think I'm "allowed" to but, why not! Brother Martin just said to introduce myself and share where my testimony comes from. No big deal! I wasn't going to make a big deal about it and just do it. I still have a testimony of my Savior, my God, and the love they give me. Here's what I spoke about...
"Good afternoon. We were asked to introduce ourselves and share where our testimony comes from. So, my name is Kirstin Winters and I am from Utah. My testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and our Heavenly Father began when my ancestors walked the long trek to Salt Lake City with other pioneers. My great great great aunt, Rebecca Burdick Winters, died while on the trek and although she was not able to make it to Utah, her remarkable story did. She has been a strong example of listening to our Heavenly Father and following the promptings of the Spirit. 
I was born into an active LDS family in West Jordan, Utah and then raised in Mesquite, Nevada. I lived off of my parent’s testimony for years before I would allow myself to have a testimony that is my own. I followed the standards of my parents and church leaders up until I was 24 years old. At that time, I was a phlebotomist living in St. George, not married but watching everyone around me get married and have babies. I was going to a Young Single Adult ward, attending institute, and all activities because if I did that, I was told I would find a man to marry and start a family with. Well, that didn’t happen! I started to feel that there was more to life than this. I started to question everything I had known and lived for 24 years. But that’s just it, it was everything that I had known from being taught, not that I had found out for myself. 
I moved to Salt Lake City and began a life that didn’t involve going to church every Sunday and making friends who were only of the LDS faith. It was time to step off my parent’s testimony and find out for myself what I believed in, what I truly valued, and what standards I would hold to be true. Although it has been an interesting journey with many lessons learned, I have never forgotten who I am, where I come from, and what I stand for. I know that my Heavenly Father loves me and he has never left my side. I know that He hears my prayers. I know that He knows the desires of my heart and through the Spirit; I can listen to promptings which leads me on the path that is set for me. I may have been inactive from the church but God has always been with me. I would like to share with you some recent moments where I knew God was with me and was leading me where I needed to be… 
I had been a phlebotomist for 8 years but was yearning to do something more with my life. I went back to school at the University of Utah and at the age of 28, I earned a Bachelor’s degree in Human Development and Family Studies, after being rejected from the Social Work program, twice! I quit my job with Intermountain Healthcare just because. I had no other job lined up nor was I going to school. I just felt like I needed to, so I did. I was very much at peace with the decision and had no stress whatsoever of what I was going to do next. Hello early retirement! 1 month after quitting my full time job of 8 years, I experienced the most spiritual moment in my life. Because I had no job to get to come Monday morning, I was able to sit with my grandpa and hold his hand as he took his last breath. Witnessing a spirit leave its human flesh is indescribable. I feel very fortunate and honored to have been the one to share that moment with my grandpa. Because I was not working, I was able to be at my grandma’s side during the funeral process; the planning, obituary writing, picking out flowers, arranging food, talking to neighbors, answering phone calls, and putting the funeral program together. If anyone of you is from Utah and recognize the name Gene Fullmer, then you know what a big deal this funeral was! 
After things had calmed down from the funeral, it was time to plan my next adventure. I knew I wanted to volunteer, travel the world, and spread my love wherever I was allowed to. I previously have been to Guatemala 3 times and Cambodia and Thailand on various volunteer projects. Because this was my passion, I looked into the Peace Corp. The application process got the best of me so; I looked into other non-profits around the world. A friend who had served with me in Guatemala mentioned that she did OSSO with her daughter years ago. I researched it and the special needs orphanage immediately touched my soul. That was it; I was going to Ecuador with OSSO for 10 weeks. I arrived in Ecuador August 18 with a departure date of October 30th. Well, as you can see, I never made it back home! The administrative assistant was down visiting the first of October and we were able to share a lot of great conversation together. I shared my volunteer experiences and what my life goals were. I simply shared my story with her. Well, with about 2 weeks left before I was going home, I received a phone call from the office in Idaho offering me to stay with OSSO in Ecuador as a Volunteer Director. Did I really just get my dream served to me on a silver platter? Ever since my first volunteer trip to Guatemala in 2009, my dream was to serve with a non-profit organization, internationally, and working with orphans. 
Brothers and Sisters, you are looking at a dream come true! Life is funny; where it takes you, people you meet, and the trials it throws at you. Especially after being rejected from your dream, twice, I am still amazed and so blessed that I am here with all of you, doing what I love! Now I’m not a perfect example of a member of the LDS faith, but I hope I am an example of spreading love, showing compassion, and not judging a person for what they do or who they are. All things that Jesus Christ himself demonstrated. I know our Heavenly Father lives and loves me, and he loves all of you. I know each of us has a Spirit that guides us through this life. The moments I have shared with you would not be a part of my life if I had not listened to the Spirit. My testimony is based on listening to the Spirit and following those promptings with your whole heart and soul. 
I was so inspired by Sister Bennett’s story last week. And she’s right. It may take more than just 1 contact to have someone interested in the church. Even for those who are members, it takes multiple contacts to strengthen one’s testimony. Sister Bennett, by sharing your story you have strengthen my own testimony and I thank you for that. It has been a blessing sharing a little bit of my story with you all, and I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ, Amen."
I felt like the talk went well and people were able to understand where I was coming from. I was doing pretty well preparing for it and even when I got to church but the second I hit the stand, I was so nervous! It's been years since I had stood at a pulpit! I started to cry once I got to the part about my grandpa. I cried over my grandpa's death when he first died but this time is was different. It was more of a cry over the spiritual experience I had encountered with his death. Once I started to cry I was done for. I even brought the girls to tears! Amy came to support which was special. After my talk they were all very inviting and non-judgmental which is always nice. (You never know with young Mormon girls!) It was a great opportunity and I'm happy I was able to share a little bit of my story!

Don't I look excited to speak in church?!

Christian, Laura, and Cristian were able to come with us which was fun! After church, I took Laura back to Casa E and Martin C. was outside with Bryan. I told them I had spoke in church and asked if they wanted to hear it. Bryan, of course, smiled his big smile! Bryan liked hearing my talk and smiled the whole time. He kept his hand on my leg, it was really precious! Martin however, judged me from the get go. The second I said I was inactive he was giving me looks of disapproval. He can be such a bum! It was really nice to share something personal with those boys and have them get to know me a little bit better.

"I Stand All Amazed"... there are no truer words!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Pinky Up...

Another Fabiano's dinner in the books!

Kate also likes to Pinky Up! :)

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Wilson Goes For A Ride...

Amy has been sick since Friday so I’ve been trying to fill in where I can. Yesterday I went to Cunas. I wasn’t able to see the babies but played with Anderson, Ishmael, and Sebastian. Neythan and Wilson joined us a little later. I’m so proud of Wilson! He was feeding himself his soup at dinner. As of last week, he was being fed by another person. He now feeds himself which is amazing! Today, I went to Casas. Wilson was there so I stayed with him to help walk him around. He loved the slide! With little help, he would climb the ladder and go down all by himself. He would sometimes even go on his stomach! He had the biggest smile on his face going down the slide, and even climbing up the ladder! I’m so proud of Wilson!! He then wanted to go on the cars so I put him in one. Soon Patricio and Miguel joined him. They got out of the cars and started to push it. They were going fast but nothing that I felt Wilson would be in harm’s way. The next thing I know, Wilson throws his legs over the car and out he goes! He landed right on his face in the dirt and his nose was bleeding. I quickly picked him up and plugged his nose. The nun rushed us over to their medical clinic. Wilson only cried when he hit the dirt but stopped once I picked him up. The nun patted his face and made a nice looking nose cast out of toilet paper. And that was that. No cleaning off the dirt or blood from his face. The nun wanted him to go play but it was clear he was not in the playing mood. When the nun wasn’t looking I ran him over to the Cunas bathroom so I could bathe him. The tia, Sandra, helped me bathe him and clean him up. He looked so much better after his bath! He went into Cunas where he wanted to watch a Barbie princesa movie. Poor kid! I felt so bad for him but he’s tough! I love that boy so much!

Saturday, January 23, 2016

Raton! Raton!...

I killed a rat today! We were at HPT (Hogar Para Todos) and as we were leaving one of the workers yelled, “Raton!” Patricia handed me a broom and told me to kill it. Patricia had a mop and I had a broom. She moved some stuff around and out came this little rat. I whacked it a few times and got it bleeding. Patricia killed it off for good. It was hilarious! Tasha was telling me to put it out of its misery, Sara was laughing and crying at the same time, and Kate was just disturbed. My first rat killing!!

Both Amanda and Juan David are no longer at the orphanage. They were my favorites. Amanda was the sweetest and would always give you a hug and tell you hello. She was blind but could see if she got really close. She was adorable! Juan David was such a cool kid who loved doing activities with the volunteers. They both will be missed!

This week at HML, the girls were on a modeling and dancing kick. We all had to model down the runway and then dance. Their dancing consisted of shaking your whole body and twerking? Haha! They would shout out each volunteers name to do it with them. It was my turn so I stood behind the 2 girls and well, shook what my mama gave me! As I finished and walked away to sit down, everyone was laughing. I turned around and there was a nun, right behind me! Whoops! One reason I couldn’t ever really be a nun…no dancing! The girls all laughed so it was totally worth it! 

One of the girls had made me a hand print fish they made last week. Sara came home and said one of the girls made it for “Kristina”. My heart melted. I’m not sure which girl made it for me which makes me sad but so heart felt and precious! I love that when I show up to HML all the children run up to yelling “Kristina”! Since I’ve been here longer than the usual volunteer 3 months, they know who I am and will coming running to see me. One girl even asked where I was last Thursday because I stayed behind and helped in Casa A. I love those HML kids! They make me smile every time I go there!

Friday, January 22, 2016

Panama Hat Factory 2...

{Panama Hat Factory... Again}

Seeing how big my head is and then getting tickled! Weird!
Sara got the same treatment and we found out her head is bigger than mine!

Hat Mold

Kate molding a hat. She did great!

Another fun day with the volunteers! 

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Steam, Mud, and Torture Chamber...

Cafe Eucalyptus

Restaurant was decorated for Katie's 1 year mark!

Celebrating the Sundance Film Festival from afar...

We tried a new restaurant today, Cafe Eucalyptus. It was Thai/Indian food with an Ecuadorian taste to it. It was okay. Afterwards, we headed to Piedra de Agua in Cuenca Banos. It was a spa retreat where on Wednesday's it's a 2 for 1 deal. It was indeed relaxing, but hilarious more than anything!

Piedra de Agua

Kirstin * Katie * Kate * Amy * Tasha * Sara

Hot and sweaty from the Steam Room... It felt like we were melting!

Warrior Woman

Blue and Red Mud Baths

Hot and Cold Pools

Steam Boxes aka Torture Chamber


Lots of laughs, jokes, and memories were made tonight! Thanks girls!

Monday, January 18, 2016

5 Months...

Today is my 5 month mark in Ecuador! (Eesh! I sound like a missionary!) It's also ONE month until my sister comes to visit! I can't wait to have her here with me. Some sister time is definitely needed!

Happy 5 Month Mark!!

You Are My Sunshine...

This morning I worked emailing the office and getting our Sister’s Trip planned for February. I am so excited to have my sister here! One more month! This afternoon I loved on my kiddos! I’ve needed some love and a reminder of why I am here, so I headed down to hang out with my favorite children. Laura was giving me hugs, well more like head locks, and wouldn’t let go. She would laugh! She does give the best hugs! Lucy was excited to see me. She would raise her arms like she wanted to hug me. She gets the biggest smile when she sees me and lets out a scream of excitement! I love my Lucy Lou! The tias went and got some Coke and jelly filled bread and we all hung out talking about haircuts and color. They all love my red hair and couldn’t stop talking about it. There was Clara, Clarisa, Celia, and Maribel. I love our tias! They’re the best and work so hard! It was so fun hanging out with them again!

Later in the afternoon I went upstairs to Casa Alegria so I could love on little Carlitos! I have been sick since before Thanksgiving so last week I finally went to Dr. Sanchez and got on an antibiotic. Today I actually felt well enough to love on our sweet new baby Carlos. Carlos was dropped off to us 2 weeks ago. This is unheard of for OSSO. We are a special needs orphanage and never have people just drop babies off to us, usually that’s over at Tadeo Torres. Carlos was born December 15, 2015. He is a gorgeous baby! Perfect in every way! We are unsure why he was dropped off to us. Lorena said the lady who dropped him off didn’t seem to be his mother, didn’t want to take a picture, and just said she knew we would take care of him and then she left. It breaks my heart that someone just drops off a baby, as they’re dropping off their dry cleaning and forget to pick it up. I don’t understand how a person can just get rid of a little human being like they get rid of their garbage. I don’t get it and it breaks my heart thinking about it. So, we will do just as the lady told us, take care of Carlos. He is precious! Celina was working today so as soon as I walked in I was able to hold him, help Celina bathe him, and then feed him his bottle. I loved snuggling with the little guy. After feeding him he was wide awake, so we just talked and sang, “You Are My Sunshine”. Carlitos is simply, perfect!

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Conversation over McDonald's...

Yesterday we went to Remar. It was the first time I had gone to Remar. It is an orphanage for boys, girls, and adolescents. They have children of all ages there. We made dream catchers which only Ana Lucia, Viviana, and Johanna got into. Daniella and another little girl made bracelets and all the boys tied their beads into their hair making it a Jedi braid. It was so funny! The boys really got into jump rope and before we left we got into hand shake riddles. Juan Carlos was determined to get the one I taught him and did right before I left. Juan Carlos reminds me of Juan David in HPT. They’re identical but Juan Carlos is probably a couple years older. Remar is this cute house up in the hills in Azogues, which houses 20-30 children. Remar doesn’t turn any child away so they could have up to 40 children at one time. The children were great; it was fun playing with teenagers!

I was craving McDonald’s so the girls (Tasha, Amy, Kate, and Sara) and I went! It reminded me of America! The burger and fries were exactly the same, the Coke is served with no ice, and the McFlurry was a lot better here! It was delicious! We ended up staying at McDonalds for another 2 hours talking. Although these girls are 18 years old, they are very mature and we had a great conversation. I was able to share my story; how I got to where I am now and how I made my dream come true. The girls seemed very interested in what I was sharing, which was weird. I do not consider myself a very inspirational person yet do I feel I’ve done anything in my life to make me inspirational. But, the girls claimed my story to be inspirational, even brought Amy to tears. My story is my story and I would hope I could bring light to someone’s life. Share that dreams can come true if you listen to your heart, your spirit, and follow the path you are meant to live. Stop listening to the wants of society, religion, family, and friends. Listen to the promptings of your heart and although you may not know why, it will lead you to where you need to be! That’s my story, plain and simple. I hope I can be an example to those around me and bring some sort of happiness to their life.

Be Happy. Be You. Do Something You Love.

Friday, January 15, 2016

Big Bryan's Smile...

We celebrated Nancy and Gaby’s birthday today. Nancy turned 9 on Wednesday and Gaby turned 1 on New Year’s. Katie had made a Belle piñata and a rainbow cake, that’s what Nancy wanted. Nancy had a great time celebrating her birthday and later tonight we will watch the new Cinderella! Movie Night!

After breaking the piñata, I gave big Bryan a sucker. We were talking and I told him that we have lots of birthdays in February that we will have to celebrate for. I told him his birthday is next month and he got a huge smile on his face. I told him that my birthday was also next month and he got an even bigger smile, started laughing, and raised his hands because he was so excited! I told him that it was both our birthdays and big birthdays too! He is turning 20 and I will be turning 30 so it has to be BIG! I told him we would have a huge cake, balloons, a piñata, and we would have Enrique Iglesias on repeat all day long! He had the biggest smile on his face and would laugh when he got really excited! I am so excited to celebrate everyone’s birthday’s next month, including mine!

Cecilia was able to come home today from the hospital. She did really well last night and was a chatter box until falling asleep at 1:30am! She slept through the night and was still sleeping at 7am when I had left. So happy to have Ceci back home at OSSO!

Thursday, January 14, 2016


I am currently sitting with Cecilia in Hospital Regional. She came in on the 7th with pneumonia and has yet been released. She seems to be doing well and in good spirits. She is so chatter right now. She just keeps telling me stories and then laughing to herself. It’s the most precious thing I have seen from our beautiful Ceci. She even has her arms going, waving them back and forth. OSSO needed help finding tias to stay the night with Cec so Katie and I volunteered to take our turns. Should be an interesting evening… the hospital is nothing like in the States. There are three other children in the same room as Ceci. Each of them has an ivy drip next to their bed but that’s it. No other machines. It feels about 80 degrees in here, very warm. There’s a cute 7 year old boy, Mateo, who keeps checking on me and Ceci. I’m not sure what he is in here for but he’s alone. I haven’t seen any family come stay with him. He’s got his sneakers on and his cute little underwear shows in the back in between his gown. He’s been eating snacks and playing with his robot and dinosaur. I feel bad he’s in here all alone. Wish I knew enough Spanish to talk to him. But we’ll see how the night goes and hopefully Ceci gets to come home soon!

I love you Cecilia!!

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Ingapirca and Biblian 2...

{Ingapirca Ruins... Again}



"But first, let me take a selfie!"

* Selfie Stick Fun *

{Biblian Chapel... Again}


The Biblian Chapel is one of my most favorite chapel's and views of the country!