Monday, January 18, 2016

You Are My Sunshine...

This morning I worked emailing the office and getting our Sister’s Trip planned for February. I am so excited to have my sister here! One more month! This afternoon I loved on my kiddos! I’ve needed some love and a reminder of why I am here, so I headed down to hang out with my favorite children. Laura was giving me hugs, well more like head locks, and wouldn’t let go. She would laugh! She does give the best hugs! Lucy was excited to see me. She would raise her arms like she wanted to hug me. She gets the biggest smile when she sees me and lets out a scream of excitement! I love my Lucy Lou! The tias went and got some Coke and jelly filled bread and we all hung out talking about haircuts and color. They all love my red hair and couldn’t stop talking about it. There was Clara, Clarisa, Celia, and Maribel. I love our tias! They’re the best and work so hard! It was so fun hanging out with them again!

Later in the afternoon I went upstairs to Casa Alegria so I could love on little Carlitos! I have been sick since before Thanksgiving so last week I finally went to Dr. Sanchez and got on an antibiotic. Today I actually felt well enough to love on our sweet new baby Carlos. Carlos was dropped off to us 2 weeks ago. This is unheard of for OSSO. We are a special needs orphanage and never have people just drop babies off to us, usually that’s over at Tadeo Torres. Carlos was born December 15, 2015. He is a gorgeous baby! Perfect in every way! We are unsure why he was dropped off to us. Lorena said the lady who dropped him off didn’t seem to be his mother, didn’t want to take a picture, and just said she knew we would take care of him and then she left. It breaks my heart that someone just drops off a baby, as they’re dropping off their dry cleaning and forget to pick it up. I don’t understand how a person can just get rid of a little human being like they get rid of their garbage. I don’t get it and it breaks my heart thinking about it. So, we will do just as the lady told us, take care of Carlos. He is precious! Celina was working today so as soon as I walked in I was able to hold him, help Celina bathe him, and then feed him his bottle. I loved snuggling with the little guy. After feeding him he was wide awake, so we just talked and sang, “You Are My Sunshine”. Carlitos is simply, perfect!

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