Thursday, January 14, 2016


I am currently sitting with Cecilia in Hospital Regional. She came in on the 7th with pneumonia and has yet been released. She seems to be doing well and in good spirits. She is so chatter right now. She just keeps telling me stories and then laughing to herself. It’s the most precious thing I have seen from our beautiful Ceci. She even has her arms going, waving them back and forth. OSSO needed help finding tias to stay the night with Cec so Katie and I volunteered to take our turns. Should be an interesting evening… the hospital is nothing like in the States. There are three other children in the same room as Ceci. Each of them has an ivy drip next to their bed but that’s it. No other machines. It feels about 80 degrees in here, very warm. There’s a cute 7 year old boy, Mateo, who keeps checking on me and Ceci. I’m not sure what he is in here for but he’s alone. I haven’t seen any family come stay with him. He’s got his sneakers on and his cute little underwear shows in the back in between his gown. He’s been eating snacks and playing with his robot and dinosaur. I feel bad he’s in here all alone. Wish I knew enough Spanish to talk to him. But we’ll see how the night goes and hopefully Ceci gets to come home soon!

I love you Cecilia!!

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