Saturday, November 12, 2016

Presidential Election...

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2016 Presidential Election
Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 is a day that will never be forgotten. Donald Trump won the election and is now our next President. Living in Ecuador the past 15 months, I haven't really bothered getting involved in the politics. Even living in the States, I'm not all that involved but I at least hear a lot more about it than living in another country. I've heard bits and pieces about each of their campaigns and policy changes. I've seen each of them speak on various occasions. My opinion of both Hillary and Trump...neither one should be President!

I did not vote. And I'm not sure who I would have voted for when it really came down to casting my ballot. However, it would have been really cool to live in a time where a FEMALE was our President. How amazing it would feel to know that the United States of America appointed their FIRST female President. Maybe next time....

I didn't give much thought when Donald Trump won the election. No matter who would have won, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. The United States is falling apart and I'm not sure if things will ever get better. After Trump had won, a lot of people were posting on social media the dangers that just entered into their lives. Donald Trump is sexist, racist, and discriminates any person who is not a WHITE, MALE, AMERICAN. Knowing this, I still didn't understand why people were reacting in fear. Then, I watched this --- day-1-in-trumps-america

My heart aches! How can there be so much HATE in America right now? People have been sharing this song this week, not just because of the election but also because it is Veteran's Day...

"God Bless the U.S.A."

Yes, the flag stands for FREEDOM. Yes, I will not FORGET the men and women who have died to give me this RIGHT. I am PROUD to be an American because of the people who FIGHT for me every single day. 

But what about those people who are Muslim? Refugee's seeking peace and tranquility in America? My friends who are gay? What about them? Who are FIGHTING for them in America? The last couple days I have been sadden with thoughts that my friends and family are in danger. 

I reached out to some friends who are minority, to offer support and prayers that they will be kept safe. Here are some of their responses...

Ayan, Somali, Muslim--
"...It's seriously traumatizing. It's like 9/11 all over again but this time its 11/9. I don't know what'll happen but I hope we don't have to relive racism all over again..."

Carlos, Puerto Rican--

"I appreciate you checking in and sending love. We shall see how long and how bad this nightmare is. At least the truth about this country is out. No more hiding the realities of this society."

Lauren, Lesbian, Married, Adorable Baby--

"Thank you Kirstin... truly and sincerely, thank you... I feel terrified of why might and could happen. I refuse to give into my suddenly invasive and painful thoughts that maybe the world isn't as kind and open-minded, and accepting as I have always believed."

These people are not free. You have no freedom when you're life is in constant danger. I pray for my dear friends and family. I pray that President Trump will make a difference in our world.

I also pray for the 2nd Coming. #voteforJesus
Photo by Wikipedia
God, please watch over the American people!

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