Sunday, November 13, 2016

Primary Program...

Nancy was in the Primary program so we loaded up the bus to support her. We were able to take Cristian, Bryancito, Dayana, Laura, and Christian; with the help of Carlee, Michelle, Louisa, and EmRee. 

All was well until Bryan wanted more sacrament breadm Cristian and Bryan started fighting over books, and Dayana needed to go "pepe" and "popo" every 10 minutes. Dayana got restless but was able to entertain her with quiet activities. Cristian kept yelling out so finally I grabbed him from the row behind me and took him outside. Bryan was happy with cookies and all the books because Cristian was taken outside. How do people do this every Sunday??

Nancy did great! She always looked at us when she sang songs and smiled. She memorized her part and did wonderful. She was bashful and laughed but still nailed it. Way to go Nancy!!

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