Thursday, November 24, 2016

Manuel's Story...

This is a story about a boy named Manuel. Manuel was adopted from San Vicente de Paul, the same orphanage where OSSO volunteers lived and worked in Quito. He now lives in Idaho with his family of 5.

The Christmas of 2014 was a terribly difficult Christmas for the OSSO program. The program was considering closing either Cuenca or Quito, because we simply didn’t have volunteers. The OSSO orphanage for Special Needs children was also in danger of closing its doors. In January 2016, OSSO had to remove its volunteers from Quito, but with hopes of reopening it.

Now back to Manuel. He didn’t know the struggles with the OSSO program but he felt impressed to write a letter to Santa that year. This is coming from his mother…

Dear family and friends,

Last night I had my boys write their letter to Santa because I needed some ideas for gifts. Manuel sat down across the table from us, focused and intent on his own letter. I looked at him at one point as his letter neared the end of the page and thought “Great…he’s going to be sorely disappointed Christmas morning if his list is that long.” It was late, so I hurried Jonny along as he drew his picture for Santa, and Manuel as he went back to his room looking for a picture of him and his siblings to include with his letter, along with one of his homemade key chains for Santa (maybe Santa’s sleigh requires keys?). They sealed their letters, addressed them, and then I used my “I’m out of stamps, so I’ll mail these tomorrow” excuse to sneak them into my room to read after they left for school today. Well, this morning I sat down, ready to read his letter and somehow narrow it down into a list that fit our small budget. A few minutes later, I refolded his letter, sobbing and feeling completely helpless. Manuel had not asked for one toy, not one game…not one physical “thing.” I’d like to share his whole letter with you, but I feel like it would be too much an invasion of his privacy, as it was very personal…almost reminiscent of a plea to our Heavenly Father. That’s really what it was. A prayer.
 Here’s what I will share with you…Manuel wished for a few things for Christmas: He wished to not be sick and to be healthy and strong again. He wished to not have to get hearing aids. He asked Santa to bless his family here and in Ecuador. He asked that if Santa got to be in his birth parents’ house, that he would give Manuel a good feeling. And lastly, (and here’s where I need your help), he asked Santa to “…Please bless people out on the street and in the orphanage. Because I was one of them and I wanted a family as bad as they do right now.” As a mother, his whole letter shook me. I had no idea that these things were so prominent in Manuel’s mind. And all I felt was helpless, because what could I do to make any of these things come true?

As you know, we are all sitting here because of the OSSO program. Volunteers signed up, and we had just enough to keep the program going. Donations came in, and step by step, the program was able to make it another week, and then another month. The special needs orphanage was able to stay open and continue to care for the children. The miracle didn’t come in a million dollar check. The miracle didn’t come with 50 volunteer applications over night. The miracle came 1 by 1, and the miracle continues with volunteers like yourself.

OSSO began something new to include a required donation as part of volunteer program fees. Along with Manuel, we want to thank you. Many OSSO volunteers work hard to pay their program fees. Many volunteers have their program fees generously paid by their family, friends, or through fundraising. We want you to understand a little better how your donations have blessed the children you serve daily.

On behalf of …(names and where $500 donation went towards: tias salaries, milk for HML, transportation, cleaning supplies, diapers, wipes, medicine, doctor visits, and medical surgeries)

From the children you serve and love, we thank you! We encourage you to think of at least one person who helped you get here to Ecuador. Whether they donated for your program fees, or supported you in other ways. We encourage you to make a phone call, or send an e-mail to explain how their support for you has blessed the children in Ecuador.

You being here matters and we thank you!

Manuel with volunteer Amber at SVP orphanage in Quito

Manuel with his doctor from Boston, who performed his life saving tracheotomy surgery at the Baca Ortiz hospital in Quito

Manuel with his little brother Jonny and sister Emree

It is always a pleasure to share Manuel's story and his sweet prayer. Tears always fill my eyes, no matter how many times I read his story. When serving in orphanages, a lot of times I catch myself pondering on, "what difference am I truly making?" Truth is, I'm not making a difference that will change their lives forever. However, a small donation of $500 puts food in their belly's, pays for a worker to care for the children all day and all night, pays for transportation to have children go to school, keeps a clean orphanage, provides only about 2 weeks worth of diapers, provides medicine, pays for doctors visits, and helps cover the medical expenses for children's surgeries. When you put the basic needs of a child first, $500 is nothing. It's not. How grateful I am this Thanksgiving to see the works of volunteers donation money be put to use, be surrounded by amazing human beings who truly have the hearts to serve, and to be in the presence of God's beautiful children. May God always and forever bless the children living in the streets and in orphanages. Like Manuel, that too is my prayer.

Gratitude Dinner...

Whenever a big group leaves, I like to do a gratitude dinner thanking the volunteers for their time, sacrifice, and money to make the OSSO volunteer program work. Without them, we would not have a program nor would we be able to help fund the special needs orphanage. This groups dinner just so happened to be on Thanksgiving. What a perfect day to celebrate our gratitude for one another, the children, workers, and those who have helped get us to Ecuador to serve in orphanages.
It was perfect!

After eating dinner which was chicken cream chowder, I present them with a story and share what they can do to continue support the children at Los Pequenitos de OSSO. 

 Carlee Danielson * Michelle Olsen * Jeremie Johnson
Cecile & Louise Aubin * Jacob Schvaneveldt * Kaitlyn Mecham
Not pictured: EmRee Moody

Can't have too much dessert... fruit cake, pumpkin pie, and peach cobbler!

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Horribly Sick...

I feel awful today! My head is throbbing and my nose is on fire. I didn't sleep well because it felt like there was a balloon filling up in my head. I've gone through a box of tissues and I can barely even see straight. I'm suppose to be going grocery shopping this afternoon, but I don't think I'm going to make it! Heaven help me!

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Primary Program...

Nancy was in the Primary program so we loaded up the bus to support her. We were able to take Cristian, Bryancito, Dayana, Laura, and Christian; with the help of Carlee, Michelle, Louisa, and EmRee. 

All was well until Bryan wanted more sacrament breadm Cristian and Bryan started fighting over books, and Dayana needed to go "pepe" and "popo" every 10 minutes. Dayana got restless but was able to entertain her with quiet activities. Cristian kept yelling out so finally I grabbed him from the row behind me and took him outside. Bryan was happy with cookies and all the books because Cristian was taken outside. How do people do this every Sunday??

Nancy did great! She always looked at us when she sang songs and smiled. She memorized her part and did wonderful. She was bashful and laughed but still nailed it. Way to go Nancy!!

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Presidential Election...

Photo by

2016 Presidential Election
Hillary Clinton vs. Donald Trump

Tuesday, November 8, 2016 is a day that will never be forgotten. Donald Trump won the election and is now our next President. Living in Ecuador the past 15 months, I haven't really bothered getting involved in the politics. Even living in the States, I'm not all that involved but I at least hear a lot more about it than living in another country. I've heard bits and pieces about each of their campaigns and policy changes. I've seen each of them speak on various occasions. My opinion of both Hillary and Trump...neither one should be President!

I did not vote. And I'm not sure who I would have voted for when it really came down to casting my ballot. However, it would have been really cool to live in a time where a FEMALE was our President. How amazing it would feel to know that the United States of America appointed their FIRST female President. Maybe next time....

I didn't give much thought when Donald Trump won the election. No matter who would have won, we are damned if we do and damned if we don't. The United States is falling apart and I'm not sure if things will ever get better. After Trump had won, a lot of people were posting on social media the dangers that just entered into their lives. Donald Trump is sexist, racist, and discriminates any person who is not a WHITE, MALE, AMERICAN. Knowing this, I still didn't understand why people were reacting in fear. Then, I watched this --- day-1-in-trumps-america

My heart aches! How can there be so much HATE in America right now? People have been sharing this song this week, not just because of the election but also because it is Veteran's Day...

"God Bless the U.S.A."

Yes, the flag stands for FREEDOM. Yes, I will not FORGET the men and women who have died to give me this RIGHT. I am PROUD to be an American because of the people who FIGHT for me every single day. 

But what about those people who are Muslim? Refugee's seeking peace and tranquility in America? My friends who are gay? What about them? Who are FIGHTING for them in America? The last couple days I have been sadden with thoughts that my friends and family are in danger. 

I reached out to some friends who are minority, to offer support and prayers that they will be kept safe. Here are some of their responses...

Ayan, Somali, Muslim--
"...It's seriously traumatizing. It's like 9/11 all over again but this time its 11/9. I don't know what'll happen but I hope we don't have to relive racism all over again..."

Carlos, Puerto Rican--

"I appreciate you checking in and sending love. We shall see how long and how bad this nightmare is. At least the truth about this country is out. No more hiding the realities of this society."

Lauren, Lesbian, Married, Adorable Baby--

"Thank you Kirstin... truly and sincerely, thank you... I feel terrified of why might and could happen. I refuse to give into my suddenly invasive and painful thoughts that maybe the world isn't as kind and open-minded, and accepting as I have always believed."

These people are not free. You have no freedom when you're life is in constant danger. I pray for my dear friends and family. I pray that President Trump will make a difference in our world.

I also pray for the 2nd Coming. #voteforJesus
Photo by Wikipedia
God, please watch over the American people!


Photo by DreamWorks Animation

I was able to take some the children to the movies today. I was very excited since I've been wanting to do this since I've been here. I was able to take Laura, Dayana, and Cristian. Nancy was planned to go but she got in trouble during the week so that ruined her chances of going and Cristian took her place. Carlee and Michelle also came to help with the children.

It was so fun! I loved it! Although the movie was in Spanish, the kids enjoyed it and that made me very happy. Laura loved eating her popcorn and dancing whenever music came on. Cristian would clap his hands and "EEK!" at certain parts in the movie. Dayana did pretty well considering this was her first movie! She got restless towards the end but she came and sat with me which was pretty special. I believe Laura and Cristian have been to the movies before but at 2.5 years old, Dayana saw her FIRST movie!

I will cherish carrying Laura in and out of taxis, and up to her seat in the middle of the theater. Watching her eat popcorn and drink Fiora from a straw. Dancing whenever a song came on. And having her attack me from the back seat on the taxi on our way home. This girl makes me a very happy "mawwmee!"

Cristian's genuine excitement and joy makes me happy. We got into the theater early and he was losing patience that the movie wasn't turning on. He ate a little popcorn before the movie but once the movie started, there was no distractions with this kid. He was fun to watch as he was so involved with the movie and what was happening. I am happy he enjoyed it!

I will always remember dancing to "Can't Stop The Feeling" by Justin Timberlake with Dayana. I don't recall what my first movie was but I will remember taking Dayana to her first movie. She is such a joy to have around. A little dramatic at times, but watching her grow this past year has been so fun to experience. Love my little Daya!