Monday, November 30, 2015

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Thanksgiving & a Quinceanera

This past week was Thanksgiving and Lucy’s Quinceanera. It was all so much fun! Katie took it upon herself to cook Thanksgiving dinner for 50 people. This included volunteers, tias, night tias, therapist, administration, the Rosero family, Genaro and Ana Maria, and all the children that could eat it. I offered to make invites and help Katie in the kitchen. We started preparing food weeks in advance. Good thing too! It cost us $300 and 3 turkeys later! Along with 3 turkeys we had; 4 stuffing’s, 4 green bean casseroles, over 100 homemade rolls, sweet potatoes, corn, and about 100 potatoes for mashed potatoes. It was insane! I don’t know how Katie and I pulled it off but we did! Everyone loved it. The tias kept going back for more and took plates home. It was so funny watching them! While cleaning up, I walked into the kitchen and Laura along with the tias were scraping the turkey bones clean! They were not letting any food go to waste. I’m so happy everyone enjoyed dinner and were able to enjoy themselves. They even had a dance party going afterwards. Everyone was out on the cancha busting a move. It was great seeing the tias having such a great time. Even Catalina was out there! She’s got one killer salsa! It was a lot of work but seeing the tias, other workers, and the children’s faces made it all worth it! Happy Thanksgiving OSSO 2015!

6 pounds of green beans for green bean casserole

16 loafs of bread for stuffing

Making stuffing bulk size

Sweet Potatoes

Stuffing my {first} Thanksgiving turkey!

Frank, Bob, & Tom


Rodrigo and Catalina cutting the turkeys

Rodrigo had never cut a turkey before

Catalina cut that thing like a champ

100 potatoes... try cooking that many potatoes!

Manual mashing of the potatoes

Getting everything ready for dinner

Happy Thanksgiving 2015!!

Lucy’s Quinceanera was so much fun! I loved every minute of it, although it could have gone a little smoother. The afternoon was complete chaos! I wasn’t able to help get Lucy ready because I was busy decorating and blowing up balloons because our party committee did nothing for it. Lucy was getting in a bad mood. She had stayed in her chair all lunch, only lying on the mat to change her clothes. She didn’t have papilla and was stuck inside until we started. I felt so bad that she wasn’t very happy. The Quinceanera was very cool. We did a procession with all the children, Lucy leading the way with Gabi bringing in the rear. Martin C. was Lucy’s escort. He wore his church clothes with a pick rose boutonniere to go along with his pink tie. He was very excited and took his role very seriously. I walked behind Lucy and Martin holding her tiara on a heart pillow. Jenny, Carmita, and Pache walked behind me with all the other goodies. We did the procession and then started the program. Lorena said a little something and then Laura said a little something. Soraya conducted the program. This is how it went if I remember right…

1.       Procession
2.       Speech about Lucy
3.       Carmita to put on new shoes. She kept kicking Carmita so Jenny had to help her!
4.       Jenny to place garter on her leg
5.       Pache to give bouquet of pink flowers. Lucy didn’t want to hold them so Pache stuck in between her belts!
6.       I placed her tiara which I had bought for her big day!
7.       I also had to put on makeup, which only consisted of blush and little bit of lipstick. Lucy was not very happy at this point!
8.       Lucy dances with Martin and then everyone joins in. Tina (volunteer) pushed Lucy and Ana Maria pushed Martin as they danced.
9.       Everyone serenades Lucy with a special Latin song
10.   We have cake and sing “Feliz Cumpleanos” to Lucy

I think that was it as far as the program went. We had cake, jello, and lots of snacks and goodies. And of course, more dancing! Lucy was in and out of having a good time but when she smiled, I knew she knew it was her big day! I know she felt like a princess because she looked just like a princess! She was beautiful! Happy 15th Birthday Lucy Lou! Your “Gringa Madrina” loves you very much!

My mother mentioned something that had me thinking all week long. As a kid I collected “I Love Lucy” memorabilia and collected a lot it. I loved watching “I Love Lucy” and I loved Lucille Ball. She was so much fun and full of laughter. Once I started collecting I thought how cute Lucy was for a girl’s name. It stuck with me and then one Sunday I had went to church with my parents in Mesquite and there was a new family in the ward. They had a little girl whose name was Lucy, Lucy Jones, Dr. Jones daughter. After seeing how cute that little girl was and how not old the name was, I was sold that I would name my girl Lucy!

Whelp! Here I am at 29 years old with no baby girl named Lucy. I try to email family and friends as much as I can here so I’ve mentioned Lucy before. Last week I mentioned how I was asked to be her godmother. My mother responded to my email saying, “Maybe this is the Lucy you always wanted. You always wanted a Lucy so maybe this is her.” How right is she! I couldn’t help but think that this possibly could be the Lucy God has blessed me with. Perhaps she is mine. The reason why I was asked to be her godmother over everyone else. Maybe my mother is right. This is my Lucy that I’ve always wanted. She is sassy, stubborn, knows what she wants, and knows how to get it. And cries when she wants food! Lucy and I are very similar. If this is the Lucy that I mother, then I am a very blessed woman. I love my Lucy Lou!!

Saturday, November 28, 2015

The Symphony & German Coffee...

Katie and I went to a free symphony concert in Parque Caldron to get out of the house. It was based on German and French composers. It was great! There was one gentleman playing the cello who was really into it. It was hard not to watch him! The best part of the evening was the man who sat next to me. He was from Germany but lived in the U.S. and South America for years. His English was good but had a German accent. This man was older, like grandpa old! After each music number he would lean towards me and ask me if I liked it and then would give me little tidbits about each song. Afterwards, as we were leaving, he kept talking to me and asking me questions of what I was doing in Cuenca and how long I would be here for and so forth. I answered them quickly and told Katie to get going! Once we got outside he appeared, out of nowhere! This is how the night the ended with this gentleman...

Man: "Have you ever been to Turi and seen the lights of Cuenca at night?"
Me: "Yes, I have been to Turi to see Cuenca, but not at night."
Man: "Oh, well would you like to go? I can take you both in a taxi!"
Me: "We can't. We need to get home."
Man: "Well would you like to get some coffee? I know a great place that serves German coffee!"
Katie: "I don't drink coffee."
Man: "You don't have to drink coffee. You can get yourself some wine!"
Me: "Sorry, we won't be able to join you. Have a nice night!"

And we rush into the nearest taxi! Poor guy... we just had to get home to our volunteers!!

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Familia Carlos...

Carlito, Tami, "Mama Carlos", Carlos' sister, Carlos, and Ariana

This is Carlos and his family. Carlos is OSSO's driver for scheduled transportation. His wife Tami and his parents, "Mama and Papa Carlos", occasionally drive as well. They are such a kind and loving family. We had stopped at his house on the way home from zip lining and was kind enough to give us a tour of his home and have us meet his family. I love this family and am so grateful for the kindness they have shown me since being here. Carlito and Ariana like to show us tunes on their iPad, which usually always is Nelly and Kelly Rowland's "Dilemma", Ariana Grande's "Problem", and Osmani Garcia's "El Taxi". Everytime! Mama Carlos always greets us with a huge smile and asks us how we are doing. Thank you for your love familia Carlos!




Their family houses are all connected and even includes a little room to hold church in. It was beautiful! All of their homes hold family heirlooms; a weight scale for gold, a very old closet that is well in condition, dishes, pictures, etc. So much old and wonderful valuables. They were all beautiful and some were even breathtaking! I love this Ecuadorian family and wish them all the best!

The Gringa Madrina...

Lots of exciting news that makes my heart skip a beat and bring tears to my eyes… I have been asked to be Lucy’s madrina (godmother) for her Quinceanera!! Laura, the OSSO coordinator, asked Katie in Spanish and then Katie asked me in English. She said all the tias picked me to be her madrina! Tears filled my eyes! Of course I said yes! What an honor! I feel so blessed and honored to do such a job for her big day. Lucy has become my girl, my sister. I cannot wait to celebrate her special day! I love you Lucy!

Thursday morning Bryancito took his first steps using a walker all by himself! Kathy (volunteer) borrowed a walker from Cunas to see if Bryan would like it. It has bright fun colors and plays music. He must have liked it because he walked down and back on the path by Casa A. What joy I felt watching him walk on his own. I felt like a very proud momma! Now we’re on a search to find him his own since we just borrowed this one. Good job Bryan! I am very proud of you for reaching this milestone!

Yesterday we had a service for 2 children who had passed away. Emily was a baby that had passed in 2009 and Pablo passed in 2011. Their ashes and plaque stay at the cemetery for years before they are given back to OSSO. I guess their time was up at the cemetery. OSSO still has one child at the cemetery, Diana, who passed 2 years ago. At OSSO by the orphanage, they have a tomb that goes about a story deep with 4 levels. Rodrigo went down the ladder into the tomb and placed Emily and Pablo’s boxes by the other box that is in there, Simon who passed in 2008. Pablo’s box was a gorgeous wooden box lined with white satin. Rodrigo said a prayer and blessed the tomb. It was a very nice service and a beautiful experience to be a part of.

We took the volunteers zip lining today. I just took pictures for them. Mateo wasn’t working today but the other dude was, the one that looks like my friend Carlos Rivera. They are identical, I kid you not! It was good to get out and about, do something active!

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Jambeli Beach...

Went to Jambeli Beach and it is a dump! Compared to the Galapagos, any beach will be a dump. The water is a brown and black color with a bunch of garbage in it. It’s overcast with some wind. It's more of a dog beach than anything. Not my ideal beach day!



At least I got some cool pictures of buildings after a recent flooding...

I was offered to stay in Cuenca as a Volunteer Director for OSSO. Hence, why I am not back home in the States. I’m excited for the opportunity to stay with the kiddos longer and take on the position as a director. I’m hoping to have some good ideas and try to make my imprint with OSSO and the orphanage. Other than taking on that role, things are good. It’s lonely sometimes. I wish I had friends to talk to and hang out with, people my same age. That is probably the hardest part, just not having any of my friends with me. Stephanie is coming to visit me in February for my birthday so that’s exciting. It will be good to have my sister with me and bring some reality. Happy 30th to me!

All the children are healthy and happy. We started planning Christmas activities so that has been fun.

I’m loving life right now and am living the dream!