Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Gringa Madrina...

Lots of exciting news that makes my heart skip a beat and bring tears to my eyes… I have been asked to be Lucy’s madrina (godmother) for her Quinceanera!! Laura, the OSSO coordinator, asked Katie in Spanish and then Katie asked me in English. She said all the tias picked me to be her madrina! Tears filled my eyes! Of course I said yes! What an honor! I feel so blessed and honored to do such a job for her big day. Lucy has become my girl, my sister. I cannot wait to celebrate her special day! I love you Lucy!

Thursday morning Bryancito took his first steps using a walker all by himself! Kathy (volunteer) borrowed a walker from Cunas to see if Bryan would like it. It has bright fun colors and plays music. He must have liked it because he walked down and back on the path by Casa A. What joy I felt watching him walk on his own. I felt like a very proud momma! Now we’re on a search to find him his own since we just borrowed this one. Good job Bryan! I am very proud of you for reaching this milestone!

Yesterday we had a service for 2 children who had passed away. Emily was a baby that had passed in 2009 and Pablo passed in 2011. Their ashes and plaque stay at the cemetery for years before they are given back to OSSO. I guess their time was up at the cemetery. OSSO still has one child at the cemetery, Diana, who passed 2 years ago. At OSSO by the orphanage, they have a tomb that goes about a story deep with 4 levels. Rodrigo went down the ladder into the tomb and placed Emily and Pablo’s boxes by the other box that is in there, Simon who passed in 2008. Pablo’s box was a gorgeous wooden box lined with white satin. Rodrigo said a prayer and blessed the tomb. It was a very nice service and a beautiful experience to be a part of.

We took the volunteers zip lining today. I just took pictures for them. Mateo wasn’t working today but the other dude was, the one that looks like my friend Carlos Rivera. They are identical, I kid you not! It was good to get out and about, do something active!

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