Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sharing Moments...

I can’t believe September is half way over! Time was going by so slow at first and now it’s picking up. I’ve been here a month with 6 weeks left. I’m starting to get sad! The more I share moments with these children, the sadder I get. I don’t want to leave them. Here are a few moments I’d like to share…

Martin Brito—Yesterday as I was starting my activity of making crowns for fairy tale week, Martin started to cry. He was full on crying, with real tears! I didn’t know how to help him or knew what was wrong. He kept crying and the tears kept coming. I bent down and hugged him. I told him “No llores, esta bien.” I just held him and rocked back and forth. He stopped crying and his big grin was back on his face. He wasn’t his normal giggly self but he wasn’t crying. I made his crown, blue with a gold M on the front. He looked so adorable!

Maria Jose—I keep catching Maria Jose laugh. It makes me wonder what or who she is laughing at. Children are so in tune with the spirit, I don’t find it hard to believe she’s able to see something that is making her laugh. I wonder though…

Orvin—Orvi still melts my heart. His giggle is the most precious giggle I’ve ever heard. I could definitely make Orvi my own. He’s so dang precious and so special. I love me some Orvi time!

I spend most of the time in Casa Esperanza and Casa Alegria. Not a lot in Casa Milagros. I miss hanging with my boys in Milagros. I was in Casa E/M one day last week and spent an hour on the floor with Bryan, Sinai, and baby Antony. Bryan is so fun! He’s completely with it but can’t move or speak. He’s a good listener. I can tell him anything. He just smiles in response. I had him laughing today! He was sitting on the walkway by Casa M and every time I would bring a child around the corner from taking them on a walk, I would race them down the hill pretending to almost hit Bryan or run right past him. He got the biggest kick out of it. He loves when Sylvia is working. They’re cute together!

Sinai, which we all Sinacho, also has my heart! There’s something about that boy! He has lighter skin with these big beautiful brown eyes with such long eyelashes. He loves it when I rub his cheeks. It has put him to sleep on multiple occasions. I love to snuggle that boy! He’s too uncomfortable in his chair so he’s usually inside laying on the mat. I could lie next to him all day if I could. Sinacho!!

Baby Antony! His face looks like an old man but has a body of a 3 month old. His laugh is beyond adorable but I haven’t been able to get him to laugh since the first week I was here. I have 6 weeks to hear it at least once 

I got baby Bryan to walk with me today! We did 2 laps around Casa A. He’s usually stubborn when it comes to him crawling or walking so today was a success! He also has an adorable laugh. I love his snuggles when he’s waking up from his nap. He was my little buddy today. I love me some Bryancito!

Wheelchair race cars, jump rope, and coloring are what life is about! Simple living and the living is easy. Always remember to live a simple life!

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