Saturday, September 19, 2015

Flowers & Polaroids...

Maria Jose was so sad yesterday she was crying. I was able to hold her until she fell asleep. She’s been sad this week so I’m not sure what is going on, if she’s sick or something else is wrong. Today at 11:15am Lucy was throwing a fit. She’s been so sassy today, been trying to hit and kick me all day! Lucy was throwing her usual “I’m hungry” fit and I was sitting with Maria Jose, telling her Lucy “es loca” and “look at Lucy throwing a fit because she’s hungry!” Maria just smiled and giggled a bit!

I finally got Vanesa to smile and laugh a little bit. If I squeeze her inner thigh she smiles. I didn’t have to do too much but find her tickle spot. But hey, she smiled!

Jorge was so excited to go to the park yesterday. As we were getting ready to go and feeding the children their papilla, Jorge walked to Lucho’s chair, sat in it, and then swung his arms to get the belt on him. He just couldn’t buckle himself in! It was pretty entertaining! Jorge is loud and always has his arms a swinging. To see him sit in Lucho’s chair trying to buckle him in was so great! He was SO excited to go with us! I put Jorge as goalie so I could help Jhon and Cristian fly a kite. Great day to fly a kite! Genaro came with us this week. Genaro, Jenny, and Mekai were going at it during soccer. It was hilarious! I’m surprised Genaro lasted so long!

This Thursday we were able to sleep in, which I was still up at 6:30am but forced myself to sleep until 9am! I made pancakes and then we headed into town. We finished up some shopping and found some soccer jerseys! My favorite was stopping at the flower market to take pictures with my polaroid camera, which is what I wanted to do this whole time! Not all the ladies wanted photos but there were 5 ladies who loved it. A picture for them, picture for their friend, and a picture for me! Even the policeman got a picture with Cara, Ashley, and Mekai. In return, I was given flowers! A bouquet of 3 red roses, a red rose, a green rose, and a sunflower! How special is that?! I wasn’t expecting anything in return but how special it was to receive flowers from them. I loved it! Comes to show a smile, friendly hello, and a nice gesture goes a long way. Acts of Kindness—Do something daily to brighten someone’s day!!

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