Saturday, December 10, 2016

Santa's Helpers at HPT...

I went to Hogar Para Todas today to help with packages that Louise Aubin and her parents had packaged up for Christmas. I wasn't expecting to hand them out that day, but the worker wanted us to and I'm so glad she did! I lined the bags with the children's names on them on a table. A couple of the boys peeked to see if they had a bag but other than that, the bags were unbothered. The children did the activity for a couple hours without asking about the gifts. Victor and Bryan were able to come down in their chairs and hang out with us. It was great! Victor was nothing but smiles and loved listening to Christmas music and dancing with the workers and volunteers. They even brought down their 2 itty bittys, Victoria and Guadalupe, and let Jeremie and me hold them. They both were fast asleep. I had Guadalupe for a couple hours before I gave her up to Carlee to hold.

Guadalupe was so precious! She had a Matilde face from Tadeo. She was so sweet and snuggled right up to me. It's the little ones that hurt the most. It's the little ones that I wonder why. It's the little ones that I wonder how. It's the little ones I sit with and just stare. I stare at their beauty, their innocence, their patience. I can be hateful and turn my why's and how's into terrible thoughts but then I am reminded I am there to love. I'm not here to question the why's and how's. I am simply here to love. Snuggle as much as I can. Kiss as much as I can. Sing as much as I can. Speak of love and kindness as much as I can. These are children from God. How can I do anything but love these little ones!

It was time to give the children their gifts. They all patiently waited to hear their name be called. I called each child by their name, gave them their gift, and wished them a "Feliz Navidad". Every single child responded with, "muchas gracias!" It was really heartwarming. I loved every second of it!

A lot of times when I go to HPT, the older children seem disinterested. And it's a handful trying to get the smaller ones together to do an activity. But today, today was different. Everyone was involved with the activity. Everyone was patient. Everyone was kind. Everyone was gracious and loved everything they received. This is what Christmas is about. A simple gift that puts a huge smile on a child's face. Victor's smile was the best! He loved everything about today. Every time we caught glance, he would give me the biggest smile. Ahhh I love it! I may not be able to change the circumstances of these children but if I can put a smile on their faces, if only for a second, then I will be all right with that!

Feliz Navidad Hogar Para Todas-- Carmen, Dolores, Leonela, Jhon, Jonathan, Juan Pablo, Alexander, Victoria, Guadalupe, Valeria, Nancy, Victor, Bryan, y Naomi!

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