Thursday, March 17, 2016

Just Another Day...

We received a couple yesterday, Brigham and Vanessa Lindsay, so I was able to be in Casa Esperanza this morning. I miss working shift! Esperanza is my home so it was good being in there this morning. The Lindsay's are doing awesome. They are both full of energy and willing to get to work. The Milagros boys LOVE it went men come to visit. Martin kept Brigham busy all morning with puzzles. They're doing great and I'm happy to have them here, if only it is for a one week.

Lucy was of course being sassy but I absolutely love it when she knows I am there. She likes to tease me but her smile and laughs make my heart melt. I love that girl with all my heart! Martin was zoned out this morning but by lunch he was laughing and screaming. I do love Martin's smile and when he laughs. Maria Jose was happy today. She has the sweetest smile. She is a definite angel sent from above. Gabi was sad today. I don't think she is feeling very well but I got to hold her for a little bit. I love my snuggle time with Gabs! Nothing new with Vanessa and Edi. Vanessa still is very content just doing nothing and Edi sitll gets mad when you stop walking and feeding him. I think it's pretty funny. But all my kiddos are doing well. I just love them all!

Big Bryan was giving me hugs today. He's not feeling very well so he was in bed majority of this morning. I went in to talk to him at lunch and he was giving me hugs as I layed on his stomach. It was sweet! I love this kid. He is so dang smart and full of life. It saddens me of the physical limitations he has been born with. He's amazing!

Life is good though. Other than our visitors, only Angie, Sam, and Amy are left here. They leave in May and then after they leave, the summer rush hits. It'll be nice to have a busy time because come this fall, it will be slow again.

I love life. I love being here.

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