Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Ecuador! Ecuador! Ecuador!

Yesterday’s highlights: I was in Casa E and my activity was finger paint butterflies. This week’s subject are colors yellow and blue. We used googly eyes and pipe cleaners as antennas. They turned out pretty cute! As we were preparing for lunch a Selena song came on the radio to I asked Jenny if it was Selena. She lite up and said, “You know Selena?” I answered, “Yes! I love Selena!” She smiled and we sang the song. Bonus points with the tia! Yes!

Today’s highlights: This morning I was in Casa E. Super slow morning however, I took Blanca on the swing and she was so happy! She smiled the whole time. She loved the swing and it made me happy! This afternoon I was in Casa A. The Ecuador vs Honduras soccer game was on so all the children had on their yellow Ecuador jerseys. It was so fun seeing them all match in their jerseys. My activity was face painting for the game. They all loved it! Even the tias got into it. Everyone had their face painted so we played a little soccer game. Cara had Bryancito and Dayana in the stroller. Ashley had Roman. Mekai had Edison. I had Vanesa. Lucy was our goalie and got super exited when we cheered for her after “unintentionally” stopping goals. Martin B. was the other goalie but left half way through so Cosme took over. It was a lot of fun! Ended up kicking the ball at Bryancito’s belly. He was fine! 


At 4pm we all crammed into Katie’s apartment to watch the game. They don’t have television here but picked the game up with an antenna. They have this small tv, barely any color, and full of static. Martin C., Christian, and Bryan were front row and glued to it! What a fun sight to experience… a handful of special need children, packed into a small apartment, crowded around a small tv, all wearing yellow with their faces painted, all cheering for Ecuador! It was awesome! Ecuador had scored and everyone cheered! Yelling, cheering, grunting, moaning, squealing, arms and legs flying. They are so amazing! I had to go help with dinner but came back to Katie’s to see about the game. Christian, Martin, and Bryan were still there. Starring intently at the tv. Ecuador won 2-0! Katie and Ashley took the boys down to Milagros and they were cheering all the way down…. “Ecuador! Ecuador! Ecuador!” It’s so fun seeing these boys’ passions and hobbies. They love soccer! What a great reminder that even though these children are special needs; they still have passions, talents, and dreams! How incredible these children are! How blessed and grateful I am to be here and share moments with them. I feel very fortunate to have this opportunity. Thank you Debbie Clark for coming into my life and sharing your experiences with me. I would not be here without you! I would not have such a big “giving mentality” without your example and inspiration. Words I will never forget, “Sometimes, you just have to give a dog a bone!” Meaning, don’t question your reasons to give and who to give to. Go with your promptings and just give. Don’t question, just do it. What a blessing she has been in my life. Thank you Debbie!

Life is good. I love all my children and that is all that matters! 

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