Saturday, August 22, 2015

The Routine...

Morning Shift - Casa Esperanza

The tias are Corina and Clara. I helped the children in the bathroom so the tia could bathe them. I helped put clothes on the children and apply deodorant and lotion. I helped put them in their chairs, buckle them in, put on shoes, put on sunscreen, do the girls hair, and brush their teeth. Outside we went for walks and played musical chairs. Papilla (a snack) was green jello with banana. I fed Roman, who takes forever to eat! Lunch was at 11:30am. I helped with taking shoes off, put on bibs, and wash hands. I fed Martin Brito. After feeding we brush teeth and put them to bed (Edison, Martin, Vanesa, and Lucy goes on the mat).

Afternoon Shift - Casa Milagros

The tia is Sylvia. She is the sweetest lady. I love her! I put on shoes and sunscreen and went outside. We all just chilled this afternoon. I helped Roman score some goals playing soccer. I did lots of walks with the children. Christian was into using the sidewalk chalk. Jorge and Luis stayed on the tire swings pretty much the whole time. I held baby Antony for part of the afternoon. I love that boy to pieces! He totally has my heart! At 4:30pm the children come in for dinner. I helped carry the boys to the bathroom to change into pajamas. I bib the boys and help feed Roman and Cosme. Then, brush teeth and get ready for bed. These boys stay up later because they’re older, so you play with them until 6pm when it’s time to go.

Six of us went to Monay Shopping for some pizza. I got Hawaiian which was delicious! $6.30 for personal pizza at La Fornace. I got a scoop of Mango gelato for $1! I came home, showered, did chores, and now in bed. It was a good day! I was tired but still was a good day. Here’s to learning more Spanish and remembering routines! Buenos Noches!

 Ashley was excited for her KFC chicken

The sunset as we were getting home

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