Monday, April 25, 2016

Heaven Gained an Angel...

Our sweet angel Blanca passed away in the hospital about 3am this morning. Blanca had surgery to remove her temporary feeding tube for a permanent tube last Tuesday in the afternoon. She was able to come back home Thursday night. Things went well and she just needed to heal. Saturday night Blanca ended up pulling out her feeding tube and was back in the hospital by lunch time Sunday. We are unsure of what caused her death. The doctor who performed the surgery would not sign the death certificate and stated he never performed surgery on Blanca. Luckily another doctor who was there signed the certificate. The police had taken the other doctor to the autopsy. We haven't heard what came of that because by this afternoon, Blanca was back at OSSO in a casket. They have her set up in Girasol with tall torch lights, flowers, and placed her in front of the big Jesus OSSO painting. It looks beautiful! It's small but so perfect! Blanca will truly be missed. She leaves a void in Casa Esperanza. She brought a special spirit to Casa E, one that will noticeably be missed. Blanca was quiet but feisty, grunting as your changed her shirt and biting her wrists when she was mad. She had the most beautiful smile with straight white teeth. Her eyes were amazing and her hair was long and full, and so soft! I was always jealous of her hair! She loved to spin in circles and swing on the tire swings. Her smile and laugh were infectious! She always wore cute pink converse. She had a tambourine tied to her wheelchair that she loved to hold onto and shake. Manuel also loved to take it from her hands and shake it. She sometimes liked it, other times... not so much! She was on a roll one day when music was playing. She was all about shaking her tambourine! She was having so much fun that I had accidentally called her Beyonce instead of Blanca. So, Beyonce it was! Whenever she got her tambourine going, Beyonce came out!

My sweet Blanquita, you will truly be missed. I will miss your beautiful spirit inside and out. I will miss your smile and laughter. You were always so happy in the mornings, which in return started my day that much more brighter. I love you Blanquita! I consider you one of my own. I feel so blessed to have been in your presence and to feel of your love. May God be with you until we meet again. Now, go run in fields of flowers and sing at the top of your lungs whilst shaking your tambourine!! I will see you again sweet child!! Love, Mama Kirst

* Tuesday, April 26, 2016 *

Rodrigo, Juan Diego, Jeremie and Nick Johnson

OLO workers walking to Blanca's grave site
Genaro and Celia
The grave site worker pushed a little too hard and dented the casket!

Blanca's mother and brother
They usually are able to visit Blanca every couple of years. OLO hasn't seen them in awhile but they appeared on our doorstep first thing Monday morning. The mother stated she woke up with a feeling that she needed to see her daughter. The news was broken that Blanca had passed away earlier that morning. Talk about a mother's instinct! They both spent the day in Blanca's room then in Girasol when Blanca arrived in the casket. It was so good to meet them and have them with us during such a hard time for everyone. 

Applying the cement
Juan Diego writing Blanca's name
Jenny and Blanca's family
Genaro saying some words about Blanca.
Rodrigo said the blessing over the site.

Rest in peace beautiful angel!

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Funeral at the Cemetery...

As I was giving a city tour with a group, there was a funeral service being held. We watched as the van drove to the designated area, men carried the casket from the van to the plot, and a little of the funeral service. It was interesting to see a funeral service different from what I know.


Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Cuenca Days...

Outdoor market for Cuenca Days...



Tarot Reading by a Tiger... Only in Cuenca!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Airport Frenzy...

Katie and I had to go to the airport to pick up some donations from a couple that were traveling through. There were a lot of student age kids there so we were kind of confused by it all. More and more young kids started showing up, and with balloons and posters. Once we saw those we knew someone cool was coming to the airport. I hadn't heard of any concerts with people I would know so we just waited. And waited. It was indeed some Latin artist that I had no idea who he was. All these people did, however I did not. It was all pretty funny. I had never been to an airport when someone famous comes in. It was all pretty exciting watching everyone rush the doors, having the bodyguard slam the door shut, and then watching the artist take selfies with his phone. I still have no idea who it was but it was an exciting morning at the airport!