Friday, February 19, 2016

Day 1 -- Equator, Panecillo, Teleferiqo

We started the day by having Francisco pick us up from Casa Puembo and taking us to see the equator. Francisco is a taxi driver OSSO used a lot in Quito. Very nice man who was trustworthy and always kept us safe. He was even nice enough to pull over when Steph needed to puke from being car sick! Here's how the day went...
Gorgeous views of Quito


Pululahua Reserve sits inside an extinct volcanic crater. It bubbled with lava thousands of years ago, but these days the main activity is that of farmers who reside in its bottom.

*Museo de Sitio Intinan*


Learning about the Amazon
This little fish with the hook is a real thing! I've heard about it before and it's real! I believe they are in different parts of the world but for this guy, he lives in the Amazonia waters. If you were to urinate in the Amazonia waters, there is a good chance this fish will be attracted to it and swim up your urethra and hook itself to your insides. It is very painful and can cause serious problems. The only way to get rid of this fish is by surgery. Scary!
The story of the Shrunken Head is also real! The Shuar tribe still practice the shrunken head ritual but now perform it more on animals than humans. This shrunken head is 170 years old!
First, they cut off the head and take out the skull...
Then soak the head skin into some sort of concoction, sew the mouth shut so the spirit cannot come out, and place a stone inside to give it formation...
The shrunken heads are worn as idol necklaces or on top of a staff.
So interesting!

The Wuaorani tribe (which means free persons) men wear this string as clothing and are considered naked if they do not wear it. There are 2000 people left in this tribe. There are 2 other tribes that are completely isolated, with only 200 people, that do not want any contact with others. 
The Quitue tribe believe life after death. The pot represents the womb. They are buried with belongings, food, drink, and offerings. They are buried in the fetal position.

Totems from around the world
The actual time! There's a 15 minutes difference from the time on my phone. 
Finally, made it to the equator line!

This cute couple was trying to figure out her phone!
Trying to balance an egg on a nail. Neither one of us succeeded.

Being in 2 places at once... check!

Cuye (Guinea Pig)

*Mitad del Mundo*

"The Middle of the World"
The monument was placed before knowing the real equator lies a few hundred meters away at Museo de Sitio Intinan. We didn't want to pay the money for an up close picture but this will work.

Views over Quito and the Andes from 4,050 meters/13,287 feet altitude

Pichincha, Waa Waa, and Little Pichincha volcanoes

Cotapaxi volcano

Sister doing her thing!


Chapel at the top of the hill
Quito is huge! North side of Quito.

*El Panecillo*
Old Town is dominated by a 30 meter statue of the Virgin of Quito. She is nicknamed the "Bailarina" (Dancing Virgin), but she is actually preparing to take flight. Close up, the Virgin has a changed dragon at her feet. 

Inside the statue

Views from the top

The construction of the monument began on November 4, 1955, in honor of the Consecration of Ecuador to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Its 18 colums have a height of 11 meters/36 feet. 

Assemble the body of the Virgin Mary over the devil and the world as a sign of good conquering evil.

Front view of the body of the Virgin Mary, in which the left hand is holding a chain that holds the head of the dragon.

View of the right hand, whose approximate size if 5 meters/ 16 feet high.

Side view of the face of the Virgin Mary, who looking at Quito with her right hand blesses the city. 

The crown of stars, spoken of chapter 12 of the book of Revelation, with which it is claimed that the Virgin Mary is the Queen and Mother of all creation.

"But the woman was given the two wings of the great eagle, so that she could fly to her place in the desert, where, far from the serpent, she was taken care of for a year, two years, and a half-year". Book of Revelation 12, 14.

Beautiful stain glass inside the statue
The Virgin of Quito

We made to our hotel, Hotel Boutique Plaza Sucre, was given a map of the city and away we went!

New Town... a lot of restaurants, bars, and young people!

Gorgeous view!
We spent rest of the evening on La Ronda street.
Cumanda Parque Urbano... very cool, modern recreation center.
Such a good day! Francisco was awesome and we saw a lot of the popular sights in Quito, which I have been dying to do! Today was a great day spent with my sister!

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