Friday, January 1, 2016

Feliz Ano...

There’s a tradition in Ecuador that involves burning a doll and jumping over it! You buy a doll which is a newspaper filled shirt and pants sewn together and a mask that looks like you. They are EVERYWHERE in town! Then you burn the body and keep the mask. The tradition is you burn the doll representing everything that happened in the last year. The good, the bad, the ugly. All the ups and downs. Anything that happened is burned. Then, you jump over the burning doll to represent jumping forward with the new year. Jumping toward your goals, resolutions, everything you want to happen in the next year. After you jump, you are to forget about the past year and look forward to the new year. I think it is a great tradition and a great way to start the new year! So, here’s to 2016 and all that it has to offer!

Our 2015 Person

burn baby, burn

Chao 2015... Hello 2016!!

Genaro and Ana Maria joining in the fun! These are 2 of my favorite people! They are so fun, caring, and have great sense of humors. I wish I knew more Spanish just so I could talk to them more!

This isn't creepy at all!

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