Monday, January 11, 2016

$3 Haircut...

Katie and I were desperate for haircuts! We asked the Rosero's where we should go and they said the place down the street is a good place to go. So we went. My lady asked if I wanted layers and Katie responded, "No, just needs a trim. Keep is long." Whelp, she started cutting away and my heart just sank! She looked like a weed wacker going nuts on my hair! Nothing I could do about it now, so I just went with it. It's a dang good thing it only cost me $3! I was pretty much traumatized and thought maybe some color would help it out. We went into town and got us some box colors. I've wanted to go red for awhile now, just to see what I would look like with red hair, so red it was! I'm still not happy about having short hair, especially when it takes forever to grow out, but there's worse things to complain about out there!

Oh, let me count the layers...

Check out them roots! Haven't seen that color in awhile!

Coloring Fun!
Katie needed her mullet cut off... I've never cut hair in my life!

Shazam! The final product!

I also had to cut my own hair! The longest layer was ridiculous so off it went!

Now that was an Ecuadorian experience!!

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