Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Lucy, Laura, Secret Circle, & I'm Staying Here...

3 weeks left! 3 weeks! I can’t leave. I won’t leave. Part of me wants to stay. I love the country and I love my kids. I want to stay so I can spend the holidays with them. Financially I could, I just would have no money once I got back to the States. But thinking about spending the holidays without my kids makes me sick. I want to be their family for Christmas. For as much I want to stay, there’s part of me that needs to go home. Not sure why. Maybe to make some money in Park City. I think it’s more the volunteers persuading me to go home, really. The thought of staying longer with them is an absolute no! Not sure what I’m going to do. I have 3 weeks to get it figured out!

Today is my day off in what seems like forever! Last Monday thru Wednesday was spent in Banos by Quito. Such a blast! We hiked the Devil’s Cauldron, we went on a cable car ride, 3 runs zip lining across a massive river, soaked in some thermal pools (what an experience that was!), ate some fresh coco taffy right off the taffy pull, and went on the Swing at the End of the World. So much fun in 3 days! Once we got back it’s been work work work! Half the girls were out sick this week. I was exhausted! I’ve been able to sleep the last couple of nights which was very much needed. I only have 3 shifts off left. I think today I’m going into town to finish up some shopping. I got to get my shopping in! The stuff over here is just too good to not buy it all!

I finally had my break through with Lucy! Apparently she likes to cuddle. After lunch she goes on the mat and the other day we finished early so I lay down by her side. She snuggled right up to me with a huge smile on her face. I fell in love! She buried her head into my chest and just smiled and laughed. It was so precious. Lucy can be such a pill but after that, we’ve become buddies! Love my Lucy Lou!

Laura has become my special one! She calls me MawwMee! It’s the most endearing, precious, heart tugging thing ever! She called my mommy a time of two before I left for Banos but I didn’t think much of it. When I got home I went down to say hi to all the kids. Laura was on the toilet, as usual! I peeked my head around the door to surprise her. It took her a few seconds to figure out who I was but then she burst out, “MawwwwMeeee” and swung her arms open wide for a hug. I could have cried! Hugging Laura on the toilet is the best thing ever! I will definitely miss that for sure! Ever since then she always calls me mommy! I don’t make a big deal out of it because of the other volunteers but I love it. Her big smile with arms open wide calling mommy is something I will cherish forever! I love my Laurita!

The other day I had a whole bunch of children surrounding me. I had sat down beside Martin C. to chat with him. Then Nancy came where we told each other who are boyfriends are. Her boyfriend is Paul from school, Martin’s is Clarisa, and mine is Enrique Iglesias. Martin couldn’t stop laughing at the fact that Enrique was indeed my boyfriend! We then made it a secret circle where we shared other secrets! Soon Dome and Dayana came and then Laura made it over to us. We were just hanging out. It was great! It was special having the children surround me, just to hang out! I love these ninos!

Blanca is in the hospital. First it was pneumonia but now they’re diagnosing her with other things. She’s not dying but we’re not sure when she’ll be coming home. Hopefully before I have to go home!

Everything is great! This is the best decision I could have ever made. These children have become part of me. Ecuador is amazing! I love this country! Wish I could stay longer or at least come back and live here for a little bit!

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