Wednesday, September 23, 2015


New volunteers arrived today. There are 5 of them; Asher Larson, Mari Bubert, Katelyn Moser, Caroline McGhie, and Jaymee Jo Rhodes. There is so much to tell but I get tired and just want to sleep when I get into bed. Here are a few moments…

I love love LOVE my Esperanza children! They’re the best! Today I was in Cunas in the morning and finished early. So I went to Casa E to help with lunch. Laura was in the bathroom so I my head around the door to surprise her. She got a huge smile on her face and with her arms open wide to give me a hug, she bursts out, “MawwMee!” (Mommy) I wanted to cry! Now that I have the routine down, I am able to share moments with these children and enjoy every second of them. My heart is full and it seems every day I am able to show this love by having these genuine moments with them. Bless sweet Laura’s face for always giving me hugs and calling me mommy. I love that girl!

I held Maria Jose again because she was crying. I was just holding her listening to Lucy have a fit outside and I looked down to see she was smiling. Smiling at me? Smiling because I was holding her? Smiling because she was out of her chair? Who knows but I loved holding her and looking at her smiling back at me!

Jenny thinks I should take baby Gabi home with me! Jenny was asking if I had children and I said no, just have nieces and nephews. She points at Gabi and nods! She says, “Tu es blanco. Gabi es blanco. Eh! Eh!” I just laughed. Jenny is great though. She’s so funny and has a great personality!

Edison reminds me of Count Dracula off of Sesame Street. His face shape, teeth, and hair totally fit! I believe Jorge was an airplane director in this former life. The people out on the runway flying their arms around with orange sticks directing the planes in and out, that’s Jorge!

Sylvia left yesterday. She found something closer to home and makes more money. I loved Sylvia! She is beyond nice and so great at her job. Even when not working in Casa M, she always said, “Hola Kristina! Buenas Dias!” She always said hi and good bye and asked how I was doing. She will truly be missed! All the children love and adore her. Bryan especially! He loved hanging out with Sylvia. Bryan would light up with a smile on his face when you would say her name. I will miss you terribly Sylvia!

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