Monday, September 5, 2016

Adoption Day...

My heart is beyond full! Jhon and Domenica met their adoptive parents this mroning and spent the day with them. It was the most perfect day and I'm so unbelievably grateful for the opportunity to be apart of such a beautiful occasion. I was helping train new volunteers in Alegria so I was able to help Jhon and Dome get ready to meet their parents. My mom had bought Jhon new church clothes that I decided to give him for his adoption. He wore a salmon colored church shirt with tie and black pants that actually fit him. Genaro's sister had sent some donations to my sister's house in the States when I was home so I could bring the to OSSO. In the donations was a beautiful red Christmas dress with a white furry shawl. I saved this for Dome to wear for her adoption. I decided to curl Dome's hair which turned out beautiful! I felt so honored to get the kids ready for their big day! They looked so beautiful! Jhon looked sharp in his new clothes and Dome was a beautiful little princess! Her mami had given her a new Barbie that also was wearing a red dress. It was perfect!

Suzanne and I had the kids in Dome's room while everyone entered Alegria. There was the Rosero's, Laura, Marica, Soraya, the parent's lawyer/social worker Christian, and their new parents, Luis and Nube. Luis and Nube were right in the middle of the room as Jhon and Dome walked out holding flowers for their mami y papi. They gave the biggest hugs and the look on Nube's face touched my heart that I started to tear up with tears of joy. I couldn't hold them back. My heart was filled with so much love and happiness for all of them. There was a mother and father who probably tried for years to concieve children but were not able to. Then there was two children who longed for a family, a mami y papi to love them. And just like that, they found one another. Luis and Nube live in Azogues which is the next town past Cuenca and have no other children. It was all so perfect! God is good and with many prayers, they were finally answered!

I went in to see the kids before HML and Jhon summoned me to come to his room from the window, "Kirstin Kirstin". I went to his room where he showed me the toys he got from the mall and told me about his day. Soraya was talking to him so I went in to visit with Ceci. All of sudden Jhon comes running in with a note, "Kirstin Kirstin!" He gives me his note and THE biggest hug! My heart sank with joy. I have spent one year with this boy. He has become part of my life. His hug was his goodbye and the ending of living in the orphanage. It's time for the next chapter in Jhon's life. I am so proud of that boy. Unbelievably proud! I am beyong happy for both Jhon and Domenica. They finally received the family they always deserved. God bless you Jhon and Domenica. Kirstin loves you very very much!

Te amo mucho!

**Jhon and Domenica are the ONLY Ecuadorians (besides the Rosero's) who have been able to pronounce Kirstin correctly. I will miss that!

I miss them already...

A Family is Made :)