Thursday, June 9, 2016

Just a Little Update About Alegria...

Casa Alegria are all doing well. Cecilia still has good days and bad days. A couple weeks ago her breathing wasn't stellar. It sounded as if her lungs were filling up with fluid. As always, she bounced back! Her coloring doesn't look good but she's still able to pull a smile out every once in awhile!

Dayana is Miss Drama Mama. She cries when she doesn't get what she wants or just because. She has started running and still working on using her words. Usually her words are "ssss" or "kaaa". She does say "por favor" which is pretty adorable. I love seeing her little personality come out!

Bryan is doing great work with his walking. He now will hold onto the back of Orvi's chair and walk down the ramp and around the grounds. He isn't walking alone but he's getting there. We just need to get his little legs stronger. He has started to laugh more which is so funny. Especially when he accomplishes walking someplace or getting there by wheeling himself in the stroller. He is so proud of himself.

Jhon is a mischievous little 5 year old! The last couple nights I have been going up at night to read books to the kids. The other night I read 3 books but then the kids decided they wanted pillows and blankets. So there I was on the mat, holding Carlitos, and a book, with Cristian to my right and Jhon to my left, and Dome, Dayana, and Manuel at my feet. I read Dr. Seuss's book "The Sleep Book" twice before they would settle down. After reading books, Jhon went and got his hymn book. Great! Poor Carmita had to listen to my singing! Jhon's favorites are "Angels We Have Heard on High" and "Silent Night". It took a few rounds of songs before they would all be asleep. Jhon kept reaching for my hand which I couldn't refuse! It was a really precious moment to have shared with those kids!

While I was reading books with the kids, I grabbed Carlos from his crib so he could join us. The poor baby was burning up! Suzanne had come in and checked his temperature. It was 101 degrees! I started to put cold rags on his head to help cool him down. I stayed with him until his temperature had dropped at least a couple degrees. He was not comfortable in his bed at all so I just held him so he could sleep. I got really worried when his temp spiked up to 102 and there was no obvious signs of it dropping. About an hour after giving him medication and instructing Carmita to not bundle him up, he was able to sit comfortably and get some rest. Although he was not feeling well, I was happy to love him and care for him for a few hours. Carlitos is so precious and a joy to have here at OSSO.

Domenica is growing big. She has such a sweet and spunky personality. She loves doing crafts, puzzles, and playing any type of game. She is a huge help in Alegria by getting tables ready for mealtime, putting clothes in the basket, and doing anything you ask her to do. She can be a pill if she doesn't get a nap in but that's understandable. Also, Dome and Jhon are the only ones that can actually say my name correctly! It's so cute when they do!

Cristian is still good ole Cristian. Pure excitement and genuine enthusiasm. The kid can test my patience but his enthusiasm over the simplest things make me love this kid so much more. He loves being outside, playing in dirt, and beating to his own drum. He LOVES balloons, "BOMBAS!!!!" His reaction to things reminds me that it truly is the small things that count!

Manuel... that kid! He's been screeching lately and has been obsessed with doorknobs. Every door or cupboard he has to open and close it before slamming it shut. Usually it's when the tia is in with Ceci that he's playing with the door and then slams it shut, keeping the tia trapped in Ceci's room. Manuel just laughs. He still loves his music and clapping his hands!

Orvi has been sick this week with a high fever, just like Carlos. Orvi's laugh still makes my heart melt. Manuel has begun tickling Orvi's knees and feet making him laugh. Last week Manuel had pushed Orvi over in his chair onto the mat. Thank goodness for the mat! So now we have to keep a close eye when Manuel is tickling Orvi!

Jhon and Domenica are finally up for adoption and Carlos will soon be home with his grandparents. I love being able to share moments with these children because you never know the time you have left with them. Whether it's due to adoption, being reinserted with family, or death. I love my Casa Alegria ninos and the spirit they bring into my life!