Thursday, September 24, 2015

The Hills Are Alive...

Today, I went horseback riding through the countryside! Me! Horseback Riding! I was so excited and did not want to miss out on the opportunity. So, I took Benadryl the night before, regular allergy meds in the morning, and then more Benadryl afterwards. I did great while riding but afterwards the hives came and the closing off of the lungs. I was fine after we left the horses. Yay! I survived!

Getting to know the horses

My horse, Newton

Let's do this!

Ashley had Uviya and Cara had Andrade

Tour guide, Carlos... he was a hoot!


My "The hills are alive, with the Sound of Music" Moment

These trees were to my left

And these trees were to my right

Riding was amazing! We took it slow for the most part because the trail was uphill and rocky. When we got to a nice long smooth part of the trail, we cantered into a gallop. It was awesome! The first time we cantered I was laughing so hard I could't breathe! Everything was shaking and all I could do was hang on! It was hilarious! We were able to stop halfway and take pictures and have a snack; Manicho candy bar and a mandarin. Carlos is full of knowledge and was educating us on all the facts about the area... of course I don't remember any of them! After riding, we went back to the house where Carlos made us lunch; potatoes with cheese, chicken stir fry, and mora juice. The house had the coolest things in it!


Carlos had to run into town and just left us in the house eating lunch. Not sure if he was suppose to leave us there, but he did. So, we took more pictures of the horses and decided to get walking! We weren't sure if Carlos was coming back for us or not so Cara and I thought we better get walking home! We were probably close to an hour away from home, in the country! Ashley wasn't for the idea but it was her choice to either come with us or stay there, alone. She dragged her feet behind us!

Just a tad swollen in the face...

And then there were hives!

Just trying to take a picture and they attacked my butt!

Cara enjoying the country!

We had been walking for awhile when Carlos returned over the hill. I'm sure he was thinking, "What are these girls doing walking in the country! I told them to stay put!" Carlos took us back into town but not without stopping at a little cheese factory first. The cheese was so good! Both Cara and I bought some cheese for only $3!


Today was amazing and despite my biggest allergy to horses, I am so happy I took a leap of faith and went anyways. The horses were beautiful and the country was I absolutely loved everything about today!